Writer of Horror Fiction

Review of Craig Jones’ “Meat Coma”

Meat Coma is a short story that takes place in the aftermath of a zombie uprising. More technically, these are the infected-not undead, but with all the same symptoms. These ‘zombies’ don’t eat endlessly. Instead, they eat until sated then switch off, more or less, going into a ‘meat coma’ for time, until they get the urge to hunt once again. Of course, scratches and bites infect others, but with such limited predatory instincts, the infected are rounded up with comparative ease and efforts are made to find a cure for them.
This story takes place in remote farmland where two families live. One neighbor has lost his wife to the infected while the other family has lost their daughter. They get together one night to discuss the grieving process and how they can cope with such horrible losses. But it’s clear from the beginning that there are ulterior motives at play and everyone has their secrets. This short story uses the backdrop of a zombie invasion to tell a tale of base human needs and desires that uses its backdrop well. A quick read, it brought a twisted smile to my face.

Meat Coma can be found here: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00ENLO9MW/ref=cm_cr_thx_view

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